Shining Star Award

At the onset of 2023, we implemented the ‘Shining Star Award’ to enhance recognition of the exceptional contributions made by MLH employees.

This initiative aims to formally acknowledge staff members who consistently deliver outstanding work.

How does it work? Everyone (staff, residents, and visitors) can nominate a staff member. We are looking for staff members who have demonstrated outstanding work ethics. Residents (via the advocacy group) and management are involved in the decision of the ‘Star of the month’.

Take part in this – We invite you to nominate staff members to be the next Shining Stars. You can find the ‘nomination card’ for this award next to all noticeboards in the facility. You can also use this link:

Shining Star of the Month – July 2024

Our Roster Coordinator Ruth

Ruth received the following Shining Star nominations:

  • Ruth always does her best to make sure the roster is always done.
  • Ruth is just brilliant!
  • Ruth is always around to give us a hand if and when we need it.  She always gives me shifts when I ask.
  • Ruth always goes above and beyond.  Ruth is friendly, funny and real.  Most of what she does to keep us all running smoothly goes on behind the scenes, she does so much more keeping MLHs staffed properly.  I would like to nominate Ruth to recognise that and what a wonderful job she does.  Ruth is always making me smile.
  • I would like to nominate Ruth for working so hard to make sure we have staff, that our residents get to their appointments and that visitors check in to a friendly face.   And for all the hard work that she does behind the scenes.  For bringing Joy and being the glue that has held us together through the tough times and into the good.
  • Ruth is very hard working.  She does a fantastic job with the roster and all the little extra things that she does which no one sees.

Shining Star of the Month – June 2024

Our Concierge Ulla

Ulla received the following Shining Star nominations:

  • Ulla is always smiling, kind and welcoming. She greets people with kindness, works hard, and goes above and beyond.  We love Ulla.
  • Ulla is always making sure staff, residents and visitors are been looked after, have what they need and are taken to the right area, most of the time.  Ulla is always happy to help,  always smiling and a great team player.

Shining Star of the Month – May 2024

Our Personal Care Attendant  Simran

Simran received the following Shining Star nominations:

  • Simran is being nominated because she is hard-working.
  • Simran is helpful, patient and kind.
  • Simran is always kind, caring and compassionate.  As I sit in my office, I often see her outside taking residents for walks in the garden.  Nothing is ever too much and she is a really great person and a great carer.  Thank you, Simran, for all you do for the residents.

Shining Star of the Month – April 2024

Our Laundry Assistant Jennifer

Jennifer received the following Shining Star nominations:

  • Jennifer consistently offers assistance and possesses a wealth of great ideas.  Additionally, Laundry should be recognised as a Shining Star as they consistently perform admirably behind the scenes.
  • Jennifer is always so lovely and helpful.

Shining Star of the Month – March 2024

Our Nurse Sirini

Sirini received the following Shining Star nominations:

  • Sirini is very helpful and kind to residents and staff. She is excellent.
  • Sirini is always happy to help and listen, she is a very good nurse and has residents best interests and will follow up issues.

Shining Star of the Month – March 2024

Our NHA Angela

Angela received the following Shining Star nominations:

  • I like the way she works, explains everything, is a good communicator and has a positive attitude.
  • Angela helps residents and cares for them with a warm heart.  She always goes beyond to help them.  She is a beautiful soul. She educates care staff and listens to them.  Angela makes sure residents receive quality care, she deserves the Shining Star.
  • Angela is beautiful inside and out.  She always helps staff whenever they are stuck, she listens to us, and she takes care of our residents and helps them.  She is always available.  Angela is one of the best and most deserving nurses here.

Shining Star of the Month – February 2024

Our PCA Gopal

Gopal received the following Shining Star nominations:

Gopal is always so caring towards all of the residents and makes sure that mum is well looked after.  The way he speaks to everyone is so respectful and gentle and I really appreciate his great care.

Gopal is an always friendly and competent carer who not only looks after all in Wattle but he also looks after me.  When I get home after helping my husband with his meal, I don’t have to cook and that is a really great help.

Gopal is a kind, compassionate carer who is extremely kind to me and my husband.

Shining Star of the Month – January 2024

Our PCA Jane

Jane received 3 nominations which are a testament to her wonderful caring and supportive nature.

Jane brings a positive attitude to work every day and she is reliable and honest.  Jane demonstrates compassion toward the residents and meets their needs and she also meets the needs of her co-workers.  Jane is the definition of team work, committed to help staff deliver excellent care to our beautiful residents.

Jane continues to bring absolute positivity to our workplace and spreads it to the entire facility.  Jane is a team player who often collaborates with her colleagues to ensure that the needs of the residents are always met.  There have been many occasions where Jane has gone above and beyond when caring for our residents and Martin Luther Homes.

Jane is always there to help out and is a star with the residents.  

Shining Star of the Month – December 2023

Our Lifestyle Coordinator Debbie

Always goes above and beyond for residents and for staff alike. Compassionate, patient, amazing attribute to MLH. We need more “Debbie’s”.  She deserves the acknowledgement.

Debbie helped me settle in to Bluegum and always with a smile.

Debbie is doing so much for us and is always very friendly and always has a joke to tell.

Shining Star of the Month – November 2023

Our PCA Nikki

Nicole received the following Shining Star nominations:

‘had a very busy shift and Nikki helped and supported me well, she helped me survive my day’

‘over and above her duties, always smiling – ice creams always in the freezer for you 🙂’

‘Nikki is always delightful to have around. She is caring and loving, will do the extra little things to make you feel appreciated.’

‘she is thoughtful about her patients and she makes sure what needs to get done, actually gets done’

‘unwavering dedication to her work, to the residents she cares for’

‘for her mentoring of new staff she shows compassion love for residents and staff. She is always there to help support us when were short. I notice all the hard work she has been doing and I feel like she needs the recognition for the amazing work she does. She always goes above and beyond, and is the definition of a shining star’

Shining Star of the Month – October 2023

Our PCA Robyn

Robyn was recognised for her wonderful, caring and compassionate nature and her positive attitude towards residents and staff. 

As well as her Shining Star nominations, Robyn received a special mention from Ruth (Rosters Coordinator) Robyn does not hesitate to pick up shifts and is always flexible which makes filling the roster so much easier.

Debbie, LC, thanked Robyn for always assisting the Lifestyle Team by passing on wonderful ideas, encouraging residents to attend and bringing them to activities when possible.

Eva, CCC, also passed on a message from the Russell family who wanted to send their thanks to Robyn for the beautiful care she provided their mother Ann.

Shining Star of the Month – September 2023

Our PCA Rose

Rose was recognised for her outstanding caring & compassionate nature and her positive attitude. One nomination summarises this as follows: ‘Rose always goes up and beyond for the residents. She is always seen to be ensuring the residents are getting the care they need and always with empathy and compassion. Rose is a very delightful member of the team and always greets staff, residents and visitors with a warm and friendly smile.

Shining Star of the Month – August 2023

Our PCA Abby

Abby got a couple of nominations pointing out her caring personality and that ‘she is just wonderful’. A resident’s nomination said: ‘Abby is a warm, kind, gentle, and caring person. She is calm and reassuring and ensures all daily jobs. When she turns up at my apartment in the morning, it brightens my day.’ What a lovely feedback!

Shining Star of the Month – July 2023

Our Clinical Care Coordinator Eva

Eva received several nominations both by residents and other staff members recognising the great effort and passion she puts into her work. The nominations mentioned, among other things, that Eva is ‘always going above and beyond to help others. Eva is kind, supportive, caring, and hardworking’. Another said that she is ‘always there to support and help staff and residents’.

Shining Star of the Month – June 2023

Our Nurse Louise

Louise was nominated by multiple people recognising her professional work and warm personality. One nomination described Louise as “very dedicated, always friendly, bringing joy and laughter into the facility despite being busy”. Thank you Louise for continuously doing such a great job for over 20 years now!

Shining Star of the Month – May 2023

Our Maintenance Hero Tony

Tony had multiple nominations pointing out the great work that he has been doing for over a year. The nominations mentioned that Tony is doing an “incredible job fixing and maintaining things”. Everyone loves working with Tony, he is extremely reliable, always friendly and smiling.

Shining Star of the Month – April 2023

Our Complaints Resolution Officer Elise

Elise had multiple nominations, both from residents and staff members acknowledging the great work that she does in her new role. One nomination said: ‘She has done outstanding work in helping us with our issues.’ Management and the residents from our Resident Advocacy Group agreed and chose Elise for this month’s Shining Star.

Shining Star of the Month – March 2023

Our PCA Sharon

Family members, residents and staff have seen and recognised the great work that Sharon does and the love she has for our residents. We want to thank Sharon for doing an amazing job!

We are excited to announce our first

‘Shining Star of the Month – February 2023

Our Physio Vid

Vid has been working at MLH for over 3 years now and has continuously shown that he is going above and beyond in delivering physiotherapy to our residents. He has taken initiatives in trying to improve quality of life and adds value to residents’ mobility and strength.