Discover technology at Martin Luther Homes

Here at Martin Luther Homes, we always encourage our residents to discover new things. Of course, we also focus on modern technologies and what they can bring to our residents life.

We want to do more than just offering video calls between residents and their loved ones. We want to empower everyone who is interested in using modern technology themselves. All of our Aged Care residents are more than welcome to join our weekly technology sessions that are either in a group of interested residents or on a 1:1 basis.

‘Learning about the new technologies is fascinating. It opens up a whole new world.’
Resident Annemari

Our resident Annemarie is excited about learning what she can do with the modern technology. She regularly joins the group session or enjoys the 1:1 time. She sent her first email last week and was very excited about it.

We are introducing our new Device Library

We are now also offering a new Device Library service for our residents. They can borrow devices such as a tablet and discover the new possibilities themselves. We also provide a manual of how to use the devices and 1:1 explanations and guidance.

Are you a resident and interested or do you know someone who might be interested? Please contact Marlene, our People, Culture and Communications Officer to find out more. You can reach her at 0481309812 or